I have added this code snippet to my Simulink Coder project in order to generate a header file for every Bus:
% Get all the variables of the workspace
vars = evalin('base', 'who');
% Iterate through each variable
for i = 1:numel(vars)
varName = vars{i};
var = evalin('base', varName);
% Check if the variable is of type BUS
if isa(var, 'Simulink.Bus')
% Check if the headerfile property is empty
if isempty(var.HeaderFile)
% Assign a headerfile
var.HeaderFile = ['header_', varName, '.h'];
assignin('base', varName, var);
The includes are created. in the form of "include header_BUSName.h..." However the header files are not generated in the repository. What could be missing ?
I have tried to change the data scope property to Exported and Imported % Chnage DataScope to Exported var.DataScope = 'Exported'; But the header Files are still not generated.