I have 2 videos I would like to play side by side in a split screen. They are same duration and dimensions. I found a code developed few years back to do the job. The problem is, it is full of errors maybe due to the fact I am using a newer Matlab version (2014a). The errors start from (%name of the new avi file) onward.
Can anyone please try and fix it:
% select two files:
[filename1,pathname1] = uigetfile('.avi','pick first AVI file');
[filename2,pathname2] = uigetfile('.avi','pick second AVI file');
file1 = fullfile(pathname1,filename1);
file2 = fullfile(pathname2,filename2);
pdMovie1 = aviread(file1);
pdMovie2 = aviread(file2);
fileinfo1 = aviinfo(file1);
fileinfo2 = aviinfo(file2);
% check if AVI files have the same length and height:
if fileinfo1.NumFrames~=fileinfo2.NumFrames || ...
errordlg('files are not compatible!')
% inspired by Herbert Ramoser in Message-ID:
% <[email protected]>
for i=1:size(pdMovie1,2)
output(i).cdata = [pdMovie1(i).cdata, pdMovie2(i).cdata];
output(i).colormap = pdMovie1(i).colormap;
% name of the new avi file:
[pathstr,name,ext,versn] = fileparts(filename1);
newmoviename = [pathname1,name,'_combined', ...
% create the avi file:
movie2avi(output, newmoviename, ...
'fps', fileinfo1.FramesPerSecond;, ...
'compression', 'none');
If it is just for playing the videos side-by-side, this simplker code will work,
UPDATE: I'm assuming both input videos have the same length and frame dimension.
Ok, now if you want to record a new video from the first 2, with the same frame rate of the previous, it is better to use the following code,