Matlab: check cell status inside uitable

413 views Asked by At

I wish to create an if statement that will check if a specific cells of a logical column inside a uitable are true or false. Therefore, how can I check the logical cell status (upon clicking a push button, not shown)?


% Table
c1 = rand(10,3);
h = uitable('Units','normalized', 'Position',[0 0 1 1], 'Data',c1);

%# add new column of check boxes to table
c2 = c1(:,1)>0.5;
set(h, 'Data',[num2cell(c1) num2cell(c2)], 'ColumnFormat',[repmat({[]},1,size(c1,2)),'logical'], 'ColumnEditable',[false(1,size(c1,2)),true])

There are 1 answers

sebastian On BEST ANSWER

If you want to get the selected rows in a button-callback, there's no need for the CellSelection/CellEditCallback.

As I suggested in my first comment, simply get the data and find the selected rows:

function button_callback(hObject, evt, handles)

    % get the data - identical to setting the data
    data = get(handles.tableHandle, 'Data');
    checkBoxColumn = 4;

    % logical indices of selected rows
    isRowSelected = [data{:, checkBoxColumn}];

    % if you want the indices
    idxSelectedRows = find(isRowSelected);