Matlab - change dotted line to solid

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How do I chage my dotted line in plot??? I know it is done like this plot(x, y, '-') but even if I put it in there I get dotted line

naj_cas = 0;
uhol_deg = -5;
v = 20;
g = 9.80665;

while uhol_deg < 85
    uhol_deg = uhol_deg + 10;
    uhol_rad = degtorad(uhol_deg);

    for t = 0:.1:5
        x = v * t * cos(uhol_rad);
        y = v * t * sin(uhol_rad) - 0.5 * g * t^2;
        axis([0 50 0 25])
        plot(x, y)
        hold on

There are 1 answers

gevang On

You are plotting individual points and not a line. These are shown as dots and any change on line properties has no effect. Try this instead:

t = (0:.1:5);    
while uhol_deg < 85
    uhol_deg = uhol_deg + 10;
    uhol_rad = pi*uhol_deg/180;

    x = v * t * cos(uhol_rad);
    y = v * t * sin(uhol_rad) - 0.5 * g * t.^2;
    axis([0 50 0 25])
    plot(x, y)
    hold on