MATLAB 2014b Parallel Figures

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I am using MATLAB R2014b on Mac OS X 10.10 Yosemite. Since I will be plotting a large amount of figures, I am seeking for a parallel computing solution. The test code I am using is as follows:

    parfor ii=1:12
          set(ii,'PaperPositionMode','auto','Color',[1 1 1]);
          set(ii,'Units','pixels','Position',[0 0 1200 800]);

MATLAB was able to generate the figures with the correct filename. However, the saved image is strangely cropped. An example of the images can be found here: enter image description here

I tried removing the two lines which set the image size and paper position, however the problem still exists.

I would like to know what I have done wrong, or it is simply a bug with MATLAB R2014b.

Regards, Jonathan


Just found out that such a problem does not exist with contour plots.


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