I'm trying to make a model for the Due Date schedulling Problem. The mathematical solution is well known and can be found here: http://www.stomp9.fr/master/benchmarc.pdf
My code is looking good already, but I've got an error on line 20, saying that the arguments for max() are invalid. I've read the manual and lookead at examples, but it looks ok.
Does someone have a clue about this problem?
# $ glpsol -m file.mod [-d arquivo-dados] -o file.mod.out.txt
param d; # Due Date
param R; # "BigR"
param n; # n-1 tasks
param N; # n tasks
set TASKS;
param p{ TASKS };
param a{ TASKS };
param b{ TASKS };
# Contraint 6
var s{ TASKS } >= 0;
var E{ TASKS } >= 0;
var T{ TASKS } >= 0;
# Contraints 2 and 3
# Payoff {s in STATES[nPeriods]} : C[nPeriods,s] >= max(0, S[nPeriods,s] - Kstrike);
EARLYS { t in TASKS } : E[t] = max(0, d - (s[t] + p[t]) );
TARDIS { t in TASKS } : T[t] = max(0, (s[t] + p[t]) - d);
# Constraint 7
var X{ TASKS, TASKS } binary;
# Constraints 4 and 5
s.t. iB4k { i in 1..n, k in n+1..N }: s[i] + p[i] <= s[k] + R * (1 - X[i,k]);
s.t. kB4i { i in 1..n, k in n+1..N }: s[k] + p[k] <= s[1] + R * X[i,k];
minimize penaltyes: sum{ t in TASKS } ( a[t]*E[t] + b[t]*T[t]);
printf "DueDate = %4d\n", d;
printf "BigR = %4d\n", R;
printf { t in TASKS } "p[%2d] a[%2d] b[%2d]\n", p[t], a[t], b[t];
param d := 23; # Due Date
param R := 117; # "BigR" => Whole schedule time + 1
param n := 9; # n-1 tasks
param N := 10; # n tasks
param: TASKS : p a b :=
1 20 4 5
2 6 1 15
3 13 5 13
4 13 2 13
5 12 7 6
6 12 9 8
7 12 5 15
8 3 6 1
9 12 6 8
10 13 10 1;
some friend helped me to spot the error: I couldn't use max with variables. He pointed out that max shouldn't be necessary, once I had already defined that T[t] and E[t] were both >= 0.
So I just removed max() and fixed other little errors that I had introduced while searching for errors (well, thats the life we chose ;) and its running. The working example goes bellow (I changed the due date)