I am using Material React Table to display data. (Material React Table (MRT) is a fully-featured data grid/table component library for React built on TanStack Table V8's powerful API.)
In the columns, there is one named 'status':
Now, the status
value of the data that is loaded into the table must be one of the following: ['NEW', 'INPROGRESS', 'READY', 'DONE']
However, we want to display not the plain status value, but its corresponding display text string in another language.
const statusTranslation = {
'NEW': '新的任务',
'INPROGRESS': '进行中',
'READY': '准备',
'DONE': '完成',
const columns = useMemo(
() => [
header: '依頼進捗',
accessorKey: 'status',
size: 70,
filterVariant: 'autocomplete',
// filterSelectOptions: statusList,
enableColumnFilter: false,
enableColumnActions: false,
//custom conditional format and styling
Cell: ({ cell }) => {
const status = cell.getValue();
return <Status>{statusTranslation(status)}</Status>;
const table = useMaterialReactTable({
enableColumnFilterModes: true,
Now, the tricky part is:
we want to be able to filter the table data by the status
column values;
we want to choose the filter option, or type the filter string in the display languange
How can we do it?