Mastercard Insomnia Plugin - File read location

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TL;DR: Getting p12 not file found error when using Mastercard Insomnia plugin. "No P12 file found at location: defaultsandboxsigningkey.p12"

I'm trying to test the Mastercard Insomnia Plugin, which tries to read a p12 file based on an environment variable. Internally, the plugin uses the nodejs' readFileSync, function as seen here.

From what I understand, the readFileSync function(as used there) takes the received path as a relative path from where the script is executed. So I'm wondering where does this script get executed from? I've tried setting an absolute path using "~/" but it does not work.

I've also tried putting it in multiple file locations inside the plugin folder(which is located at ~/Library/Application Support/Insomnia/plugins/insomnia-plugin-mastercard) and putting a simple "./name_of_p12_file.p12" on the environment variable, but I've had no success.

Note: When I say "environment variable" I mean an Insomnia env variable, not a system/os env var.


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