In a use case diagram for a web based hire system that I have, the following two functionality were required. 1. To validate a user's login before carrying out a payment function. 2. To check the availability of a certain tool and a time before the user is allowed to hire it.
So, for Case 1, I believe the following is correct. Is this the proper use of an include condition, or is there some other use as well?
An actor has an association with a MAKE PAYMENT use case. An include statement is drawn from the MAKE PAYMENT use case to a VALIDATE USER LOGIN use case.
For Case 2, I mapped it like this. However I feel that this isn't correct.
An actor has an association with a CHOOSE TOOL use case and a CHOOSE TIME. An include statement is drawn from them to a CHECK AVAILABILITY use case.
I think first that the two use case to choose might be more accurately depicted in a single use case, but I can't think of how the availability is to be mapped. Should it be in the specification only?
I would post diagrams, but I don't have enough reputation to.
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s "choose time". That is what the user needs to do, while<<extend>>
s "choose tool", of course.