I have the below YAML configuration for OAuth
authorizationUrl: https://localhost:5001/connect/authorize
tokenUrl: https://localhost:5001/connect/token
- name: openid
description: open id scope
- name: profile
description: profile scope
- email: profile
description: profile scope
And a record class for mapping something like below
public record OAuthConfiguration(
String authorizationUrl,
String tokenUrl,
List<SelectOptionModel> scopes
) {}
Now in the main method of micronaiut application I need to mapped the record value, not sure how can I achieve this
@SecurityScheme(name = "openid",
type = SecuritySchemeType.OAUTH2,
scheme = "bearer",
bearerFormat = "jwt",
flows = @OAuthFlows(
authorizationCode = @OAuthFlow(
authorizationUrl = "", // This should be replace from record property
tokenUrl = "", // This should be replace from record property
scopes = {@OAuthScope(name = "openid", description = "OpenID"), // This should be replace from record property
@OAuthScope(name = "profile", description = "profile"), // This should be replace from record property
@OAuthScope(name = "email", description = "email") // This should be replace from record property
public class ApiGateway {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Micronaut.run(ApiGateway.class, args);
Instead of using YAML, put it on openapi.properties, see https://micronaut-projects.github.io/micronaut-openapi/3.0.1/guide/index.html
in openapi.properties micronaut.openapi.expand.info.title=Testing App
in your annotation:
@OpenAPIDefinition( info = @Info(title = "${info.title}")} )