Mapfish or Geoserver Printing Module error

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In my personal computer , I'm using Geoserver and print plugin (2.5.2 and 2.4(for print module)).Our development process was completed and We want to use this in our server machine.Java versions, opts and java encoding type are same but When I installed pdf plugin to server machine for example



org.springframework.web.util.NestedServletException: Request processing failed; nested exception is org.ho.yaml.exception.YamlException: Error near line 0: Problem getting RİGHT value of enum type class org.mapfish.print.config.layout.HorizontalAlign

what does it mean? It is default "config.yaml" file. An error "org.ho.yaml.exception.YamlException: Error near line 0: Problem getting RİGHT value of enum type class org.mapfish.print.config.layout.HorizontalAlign".

I tried very different versions of geoserver and printplugin or mapfish print module same problem come out. Where am I doing wrong?


There are 2 answers

jgrocha On

The print extension installation should be straightforward. Maybe there is a problem with different versions of Geoserver (2.5.2) and the print extension (you mentioned version 2.4).

I've just installed the latest version of Geoserver and the print extension to make sure it is working, and it works.

I already have Tomcat7 installed on /opt/tomcat7. I'm using java version 1.8.0_20.

To install Geoserver:

cd /opt/tomcat7/webapps
sudo wget
sudo unzip geoserver.war

The geoserver is automatically installed after the war file extraction.

To install the print module:

cd /opt/tomcat7/webapps/geoserver/WEB-INF/lib
sudo wget
sudo unzip

After having all /opt/tomcat7/webapps/geoserver/WEB-INF/lib, you can restart tomcat:

sudo service tomcat7 restart

Check if the print module was successfully installed:

Go to the GEOSERVER_DATA_DIR (/opt/tomcat7/webapps/geoserver/data) and a new folder called printing should be present, with config.yaml inside.

Check with the following request: http://yourhost/geoserver/pdf/info.json

Onur Gazioğlu On

I have fixed this issue with editing


file. Just replace all right alignments to rıght.