I have some MVT service generated in GeoServer that are being rendered using OpenLayers 6. The labels are cut off on the edges of the tiles.

This is an example of the MVT request I did in OpenLayers:

new VectorTileLayer({
        className: 'mylayer',
        source: new VectorTileSource({
          url: `${geoserverUrl}/gwc/service/tms/1.0.0/${workspace}:${layername}@EPSG%3A900913@pbf/{z}/{x}/{-y}.pbf`,
          format: new MVT(),
          wrapX: true,
          tileGrid: createXYZ({ maxZoom: 19 }),
        minResolution: 0,
        maxResolution: 3,
        style: myLayerStyle(),
        renderMode: "hybrid"

The labels when rendered are being cut off in the edges of the tiles, even when setting the gutter parameter in GeoServer to 100px.

After trying to render the same MVTs using MapLibre-GL, the labels are not cropped.

I wonder if this is a limitation of OpenLayers or am I missing something in the creation of the OpenLayers VectorTileLayer above?


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