I'm new to MapBasic, and it is really hard to find tutorials, so here the Question:
I have a map with Regions( every Region has a different attribute ) and i have a List of Points (x-y karthesian koordinates). I managed to read in this Tables (found a Tutorial).
But now i have to do the following: Take every Point of my List, locate it in the Map and assign the Attribute of the Region to the Point.
I thought about:
For lengthList
select Attribute from Map where Map contains PointofList
PointofList += Atrribute to PointofList
This is not intended to be a working miniexample, it should just illustrate what i want to do.
I'm pretty unexperienced with this BASIC/SQL crossover, and its hard to find good examples online, so i would be thankfull for any help u can provide
In deed, MapBasic is not very common (at least here at StackOverflow).
Anyway, here a simple example how a loop would look like. Doing it in a single SQL as you did is of course the more efficient and preferred way.