We are using Vegalite to draw a global map, we have used the topo-json provided by Vega.
when we compared Morocco and Western maps generated from Vega Topo Json and the UN map of Morocco and Western Sahara, it was totally different.
UN Map https://www.un.org/geospatial/content/africa-2
UN MAP for Morocco https://www.un.org/geospatial/content/morocco
below are screenshots using Vegalite topo Json file ie. below URL
Need your help to modify the TopoJson to achieve similar to UN map shape for Morocco and Western Sahara.
We tried modifying pixel values, it is very complex, need your support to modify the TopoJson to achieve similar to UN map shape for Morocco and Western Sahara.
Check visionscarto amended maps. They have adjusted the maps for Western Sahara, Crimea, Palestine etc based UN status.