In my qt C++ gui application, I have a QMessageBox with 3 buttons and some standard functionality. I want to decorate all these with stylesheets and fonts and what not.
I am successfully able to do the following -
i. Set MessageBox background.
ii. Set Button background.
void MainWindow::on_pushButton_clicked()
QMessageBox msgbox;
msgbox.setStyleSheet("QMessageBox { background-image: url(:/res/bk.jpg) }");
msgbox.button(QMessageBox::Ok)->setStyleSheet("QPushButton { background-image: url(:/res/green_bk.jpg) }");
msgbox.button(QMessageBox::No)->setStyleSheet("QPushButton { background-image: url(:/res/red_bk.jpeg) }");
But I am stuck on how to set a font (type and size) to the InformativeText field, and also how to make it Bold. I have referred to the InformativeText Properties but I am unable to sort things out. Any ideas on how to achieve this ? Thanks.
As an added query, can I change the fonts (type and size) of buttons as well and set Bold Italics etc ?
I did the following changes to my code, and the results are baffling,
QFont font;
After doing this, my informationText has become bold, my cancel button has become bold. But the Ok and No buttons are normal (non-bold). If I remove the setStylesheets for the two buttons, only then are they becoming bold (which is useless, since I want background images).
Any ideas to have a synergy in all these ???
I found solution for your problems.