Making an SDL Viewport with LCL

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i'm using SDL in Lazarus for creating an opengl context and also for querying the input. This works quite good but now I want to make an LCL Component which should be cross platform. Before I was using SDL_CreateWindow which creates a window for me and works without LCL.

Edit: The problem is partly solved, see comment below!

Now for a first test I tried to use a TForm with SDL using SDL_CreateWindowFrom. It requires some sort of window handle as a parameter. However the following source code just results in the program exiting without any error under Linux (Lazarus 1.4.0 - FPC 2.6.4 - SDL 2.0.3).

procedure TForm1.FormClick(Sender: TObject);
  DC: HDC;
  H: HWND;
  WND: PSDL_Window;
  H:= Handle;
  DC:= GetDC( Form1.Handle );
  WND:= SDL_CreateWindowFrom( Pointer( H )); //Either of these lines ...
  WND:= SDL_CreateWindowFrom( Pointer( DC )); //causes the program to just crash 
  Caption:= SDL_GetError(); // This point is never reached

The second line where I create a window was just a test because the first was not working. However this seems to be the normal way of doing it with Delphi under Windows:

In Lazarus the TWinControl.Handle seems to be different from Delphi's TWinControl.Handle because it needs to be cross platform. For example: But I don't understand how to get an SDL compatible handle for all platforms.


There are 1 answers

jmanndeveloper On

im finding this a lot w sdl,including pushing 1.13+ on people ,to drop os9 support ,which is wrong . sorry,the solution is to patch sdl,or at least the jedi headers.

the mods reference "sdl2 early days" using aa textures and gl,not used until version two . sdl is a slopheap of issues like these.

sorry i have been away from lazgfx for so long. the rv had priority ,then bandwidth to stabilize linux- low speed inet really takes a toll,running ubuntu.

I have a complete alternative to this- because I can get a gl context window in Lazarus, I'm having the backwards problem . I believe another developer helped me solve it. "2d window" handles -via x11 accellerated rendering and trying to get lcl,sdl to handshake with them.

I think it's five of us working on the same problem and we all need to coordinate. I'm on code Forge not GitHub.