I'm a begginer in Flash CC and I've a problem, I'm using a code to make a countdown that works perfect, this is the code:
var diaFinal:Date = new Date(2015,05,19, 3, 30);
var cronometroCuentaRegresiva:Timer = new Timer(1000);
cronometroCuentaRegresiva.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, actualizarHora);
function actualizarHora(e:TimerEvent):void
var hoy:Date = new Date();
var tiempoRestante:Number = diaFinal.getTime() - hoy.getTime();
var segundos:Number = Math.floor(tiempoRestante / 1000);
var minutos:Number = Math.floor(segundos / 60);
var horas:Number = Math.floor(minutos / 60);
var dias:Number = Math.floor(horas / 24);
segundos %= 60;
minutos %= 60;
horas %= 24;
var sec:String = segundos.toString();
var min:String = minutos.toString();
var hrs:String = horas.toString();
var d:String = dias.toString();
if (sec.length < 2) {
sec = "0" + sec;
if (min.length < 2) {
min = "0" + min;
if (hrs.length < 2) {
hrs = "0" + hrs;
var tiempo:String = d + ":" + hrs + ":" + min + ":" + sec;
time_txt.text = tiempo;
if (time_txt.text < "00:00:00:00"){
time_txt.text = "¡GP de CANADÁ!";}
The problem that I've is when I try to create a new scene to do another countdown, I get the same date that I put in the first scene. Example
Scene 1: Date: (2015,05,19, 3,30) Scene 2: Date: (2015,05,19, 7,30)
Works perfectly but when I debug the project and change to scene 2 I get the same countdown as scene 1. I hope you can understand me, and can help me :)