Make QueryByExampleExecutor ignore Null values with MongoDb

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I am trying to use findAll(Example<S> example) of MongoRepository in order to filter for specific documents.

I have following nested data structure:

public class House {

    private  List<Room> rooms;
    private String name;


public class Room {
    private List<Chair> chairs;

public class Chair {
    private String color;
    private Long countOfLegs;

Now I create two houses with corresponding rooms and chairs. Only house1 has an chair with 3 legs and only house2 has chairs with 5 legs.

I am trying to use findAll with Examples for this case:

    void contextLoads() {

        final House house1hasChairWith3Legs = getHouse1();
        final House house2hasChairWith5Legs = getHouse2();
        final List<House> testData = List.of(house1hasChairWith3Legs, house2hasChairWith5Legs);

        final ExampleMatcher matcher = ExampleMatcher.matchingAll().withIgnoreNullValues();

        final House probe = House.builder()
        final Example<House> example = Example.of(probe, matcher);

        final List<House> result = repository.findAll(example); // empty result
        assertEquals(1, result.size());

result is empty. Logging the query shows me that following query is used:

{ "rooms" : [{ "chairs" : [{ "countOfLegs" : 3}]}] ... }

Regarding the warning in I would expect a query with dot notation, like: {"rooms.chairs.countOfLegs": 3}. This query leads to the expected result.

Is there some configuration to use queries with dot notation? Is this expected behavior?

See for playing around.

I was reading the specs of nested queries and tried option of the ExampleMatcher.


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