Make Airflow KubernetesPodOperator clear image cache without setting image_pull_policy on DAG?

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I'm running Airflow on Google Composer. My tasks are KubernetesPodOperators, and by default for Composer, they run with the Celery Executor.

I have just updated the Docker image that one of the KubernetesPodOperator uses, but my changes aren't being reflected. I think the cause is that it is using a cached version of the image.

How do I clear the cache for the KubernetesPodOperator? I know that I can set image_pull_policy=Always in the DAG, but I want it to use cached images in the future, I just need it to refresh the cache now.

Here is how my KubernetesPodOperator (except for the commented line):

processor = kubernetes_pod_operator.KubernetesPodOperator(
#       image_pull_policy='Always' # I want to avoid this so I don't have to update the DAG

Update - March 3, 2021

I still do not know how to make the worker nodes in Google Composer reload their images once while using the :latest tag on images (or using no tag, as the original question states).

I do believe that @rsantiago's comment would work, i.e. doing a rolling restart. A downside of this approach that I see is that, by default, in Composer worker nodes run in the same node pool as the Airflow infra itself. This means that doing a rolling restart would possibly affect the Airflow scheduling system, Web interface, etc. as well, although I haven't tried it so I'm not sure.

The solution that my team has implemented is adding version numbers to each image release, instead of using no tag, or the :latest tag. This ensures that you know exactly which image should be running.

Another thing that has helped is adding core.logging_level=DEBUG to the "Airflow Configuration Overrides" section of Composer. This will output the command that launched the docker image. If you're using version tags as suggested, this will display that tag.

I would like to note that setting up local debugging has helped tremendously. I am using PyCharm with the docker image as a "Remote Interpreter" which allows me to do step-by-step debugging inside the image to be confident before I push a new version.


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