make a dmg package of my node-webkit app

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I have my node-webkit app running on my mac and I want to make a dmg package to distribute the app.

I have installed the appdmg module and is perfect for me.

My json config is this:

    "title": "myApp",
    "icon": "icon.ico",
    "background": "banner.png",
    "icon-size": 80,
    "contents": [
        { "x": 192, "y": 344, "type": "link", "path": "/Applications" },
        { "x": 448, "y": 344, "type": "file", "path": "../../../deploy/platform/mac/" }

The is the result of the next command:

/Applications/ myapp 

I run:

sudo appdmg config/platforms/mac/deploy.json deploy/platform/mac/myapp.dmg

That build a dmg package with node-webkit but without my app, when I execute myapp it open the node-webkit browser.

I think I missing some configuration in or something similar, any comment and approach is welcome.


There are 1 answers

cmarrero01 On

Ok, I have 1 solution.. I post here to acknowledge :)

You need to put your nw app on


The name of your app need to be app.nw, is not necessary that you make a zip of your app, can be a folder named app.nw (is faster).