Mailchimp re-use of trigger for subscribe new member

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Scenario: New member is joining in list group 'A' [trigger detect this and sends mail] [workflow-A], then member according to condition leaves list group 'A' and is joined in to group 'B' [trigger detect this and sends mail] [workflow-B]. After some time, the member wants to be re-added in to the group 'A' [trigger does nothing].

Questions: Is resend same email possible with using same workflow and trigger if condition is in both cases from Scenarios fullfiled. (If yes, how?)

Basically, can be triggered same email address 2 times (if the condition of trigger is fullfiled in both cases)?

I tried few operations below:

Remove subscribers from workflow => it does not work

Remove subscribers from list and re-adding => it does not work


There are 1 answers


The answer here is no. A subscriber can only be added to a workflow once.

This scenario sounds like it might be transactional in nature though and you may find more utility in a transactional mail service (like mandrill) as opposed to MailChimp which is really meant as a one to many service.