Magento : Can't rewrite Widget Grid for optimize filtering

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I working on Magento framework.

I want to rewrite Mage_Adminhtml_Block_Widget_Grid to optimize search filtering.

I add rewrite block on my etc/config.xml and name block as grid_search_date.



You can see Jdate_Format_Block_Widget_Grid want to rewrite widget_grid and we move to this file

class Jdate_Format_Block_Widget_Grid extends Mage_Adminhtml_Block_Widget_Grid
    protected function _addColumnFilterToCollection($column)

        if ($this->getCollection()) {
            $field = ( $column->getFilterIndex() ) ? $column->getFilterIndex() : $column->getIndex();
            if ($column->getFilterConditionCallback()) {
                call_user_func($column->getFilterConditionCallback(), $this->getCollection(), $column);
            } else {
                $cond = $column->getFilter()->getCondition();
                if ($field && isset($cond)) {
                    $this->getCollection()->addFieldToFilter($field , $cond);
        return $this;

But nothing happen. But if I change directly Widget_Grid file to this, it works.

Any idea?


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MagePal Extensions On


      <adminhtml>  <!-- should be the name of the module -->