I am very new in Magento.
I want to add some "term & condition" at the bottom of customer invoice.
I know This question is already posted on the portal, But I didn't found any solution yet.
Can anyone explain me how to do that.
Open the file app/code/core/Mage/Sales/Model/Order/Pdf/Invoice.php and add the below function at the end of the file
public function insertConditions($page) { $page->drawLine(25, $this->y, 570, $this->y); $this->y -= 25; $page->drawText(Mage::helper('sales')->__('Your custom text here!'), 35, $this->y, 'UTF-8'); }
Now, you need to call this insertConditions() function in the getPdf() function like below :
public function getPdf($invoices = array()) { $this->_beforeGetPdf(); $this->_initRenderer('invoice'); $pdf = new Zend_Pdf(); $this->_setPdf($pdf); $style = new Zend_Pdf_Style(); $this->_setFontBold($style, 10); foreach ($invoices as $invoice) { if ($invoice->getStoreId()) { Mage::app()->getLocale()->emulate($invoice->getStoreId()); Mage::app()->setCurrentStore($invoice->getStoreId()); } $page = $this->newPage(); $order = $invoice->getOrder(); /* Add image */ $this->insertLogo($page, $invoice->getStore()); /* Add address */ $this->insertAddress($page, $invoice->getStore()); /* Add head */ $this->insertOrder( $page, $order, Mage::getStoreConfigFlag(self::XML_PATH_SALES_PDF_INVOICE_PUT_ORDER_ID, $order->getStoreId()) ); /* Add document text and number */ $this->insertDocumentNumber( $page, Mage::helper('sales')->__('Invoice # ') . $invoice->getIncrementId() ); /* Add table */ $this->_drawHeader($page); /* Add body */ foreach ($invoice->getAllItems() as $item){ if ($item->getOrderItem()->getParentItem()) { continue; } /* Draw item */ $this->_drawItem($item, $page, $order); $page = end($pdf->pages); } /* Add totals */ $this->insertTotals($page, $invoice); if ($invoice->getStoreId()) { Mage::app()->getLocale()->revert(); } } $this->insertConditions($page); // the custom text is added here $this->_afterGetPdf(); return $pdf; }
PS. I would advice to override the core files instead of changing them directly.
Open the file
and add the below function at the end of the fileNow, you need to call this
function in thegetPdf()
function like below :PS. I would advice to override the core files instead of changing them directly.