Macro annotation to override toString of Scala function

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How to write macro annotation which looks in usage like @named("+2") _ + 2 and produces:

new (Int => Int) {
  override def toString(): String = "+2"
  def apply(x: Int): Int = x + 2

There are 2 answers

Dmytro Mitin On BEST ANSWER

Correct syntax is ((_: Int) + 2): @named("+2"). Unfortunately macro annotations annotating expressions don't expand.

The simplest is to use

object Named { 
  def build[T, R](name: String)(applyFunc: T => R): T => R = new (T => R) { 
    override def toString() = name
    def apply(x: T): R = applyFunc(x) 

without any macros.

Otherwise Scalameta can expand annotations on expressions:

build.sbt (sbt documentation about generation of sources is here)

ThisBuild / name := "scalametademo"

lazy val commonSettings = Seq(
  scalaVersion := "2.13.1",

lazy val annotations = project

lazy val helpers = project

lazy val in = project

lazy val out = project
    sourceGenerators in Compile += Def.task {
        inputDir  =, Compile).value,
        outputDir =



libraryDependencies += "org.scalameta" %% "scalameta" % "4.3.0"


import sbt._

object Generator {
  def gen(inputDir: File, outputDir: File): Seq[File] = {
    val finder: PathFinder = inputDir ** "*.scala"

    for(inputFile <- finder.get) yield {
      val inputStr =
      val outputFile = outputDir / inputFile.toURI.toString.stripPrefix(inputDir.toURI.toString)
      val outputStr = Transformer.transform(inputStr)
      IO.write(outputFile, outputStr)


import scala.meta._

object Transformer {
  val getNamedAnnotationParam: PartialFunction[Mod, Lit] = {
    case mod"@named(...${List(List(s: Lit))})" => s

  val isNamedAnnotated: Mod => Boolean = getNamedAnnotationParam.lift(_).isDefined

  def transform(input: String): String = transform(input.parse[Source].get).toString

  def transform(input: Tree): Tree = input.transform {
    case q"package $eref { ..$stats }" =>
      val stats1 = stats.filter {
        case q"import ..${List(importer"annotations.{..$importeesnel}")}" => false
        case _ => true

      q"package $eref { ..$stats1 }"

    case q"$expr: ..@$annotsnel" if annotsnel.exists(isNamedAnnotated) =>
      val annotsnel1 = annotsnel.filterNot(isNamedAnnotated)
      val name = annotsnel.collect(getNamedAnnotationParam).head

      val expr1 = expr match {
        case q"(..$params) => $expr2" =>
          val params1 = {
            case param"..$mods $name: ${Some(tpe)} = $expropt" => 
              param"..$mods $name: ${Some(tpe)} = $expropt"
            case param"..$mods $name: ${None} = $expropt" => 
              param"..$mods $name: scala.Any = $expropt"

          val domain = {
            case param"..$mods $name: $tpeopt = $expropt" => tpeopt.get

               val typed = com.example.helpers.${Term.Name("TypedFunction" + params.length)}($expr)

               new ((..$domain) => typed.CoDomain) {
                 override def toString(): String = $name
                 def apply(..$params1): typed.CoDomain = $expr2

        case e => e

      if (annotsnel1.nonEmpty)
        q"$expr1: ..@$annotsnel1"
      else q"$expr1"


package com.example.annotations

import scala.annotation.StaticAnnotation

class named(name: String) extends StaticAnnotation


package com.example.helpers

sealed trait TypedFunctions[_CoDomain] {
  type CoDomain = _CoDomain

case class TypedFunction0[_CoDomain](f: () => _CoDomain) extends TypedFunctions[_CoDomain]
case class TypedFunction1[_Domain,  _CoDomain](f: _Domain => _CoDomain) extends TypedFunctions[_CoDomain]
case class TypedFunction2[_Domain1, _Domain2,  _CoDomain](f: (_Domain1, _Domain2) => _CoDomain) extends TypedFunctions[_CoDomain]
case class TypedFunction3[_Domain1, _Domain2, _Domain3, _CoDomain](f: (_Domain1, _Domain2, _Domain3) => _CoDomain) extends TypedFunctions[_CoDomain]


package com.example

import annotations.named

object App {
  (((x: Int) => x + 2): @named("+2"))

  (((x: Int, y: Int) => x + y): @named("+"))

out/target/scala-2.13/src_managed/main/scala/com/example/App.scala (after sbt "; project out; clean; compile")

package com.example
object App {
    val typed = com.example.helpers.TypedFunction1 { (x: Int) => x + 2 }
    new (Int => typed.CoDomain) {
      override def toString(): String = "+2"
      def apply(x: Int): typed.CoDomain = x + 2
    val typed = com.example.helpers.TypedFunction2 { (x: Int, y: Int) => x + y }
    new ((Int, Int) => typed.CoDomain) {
      override def toString(): String = "+"
      def apply(x: Int, y: Int): typed.CoDomain = x + y

Another example is How to merge multiple imports in scala?

Heino On

You can create macro that returns an anonymous function. You are not getting completely the syntax you want, seems like @ does not work inside methods.

import scala.language.experimental.macros
import scala.reflect.macros._

object Named {
  def build[T, R](name: String)(applyFunc: T => R): T => R = macro Named.impl[T, R]

  def impl[T: c.WeakTypeTag, R: c.WeakTypeTag](c: whitebox.Context)(name: c.Expr[String])(applyFunc: c.Expr[T => R]): c.Expr[T => R] = {
    import c.universe._

    val functionType = weakTypeOf[T]
    val resultType = weakTypeOf[R]
    c.Expr[T => R](
        new ($functionType => $resultType) {
          override def toString() = $name
          def apply(x: $functionType): $resultType = $applyFunc(x)

and then use this macro to generate your own function:

class NamedTest {

  def testNamed() = {
    val b =[Int, Int]("+2")(_ + 2)
    assertEquals(4, b(2))
    assertEquals("+2", b.toString)