I am in process of moving users in batches from one Lync Server pool to another, this requires me to have a CSV with the user names of the one I want to move. For someone famililar with PowerShell should be able to see that I am giving it the csv file name, and then importing the file in userarray after that I want to remove the "+" symbol from the user LineURI. i.e: from tel:+5556667777 I want that to change to tel:5556667777, then I want to change the dial plan for the user and lastly I want to migrate the user from pool X to pool Y.
While it all seemingly should work, when I run the script it blanks out/erases the LineURI of the people I intend to migrate, I obviously don't know what I am missing some guidance will be appreciated.
Update: Fixed and here is how:
$File = "C:\Location\users.csv"
$UserArray = Import-CSV -Path $File
$transcriptname = "F:\Transcript\Users_Logs" + `
(Get-Date -format s).Replace(":","-") +".txt"
Start-Transcript $transcriptname
Foreach ($user in $UserArray)
$Tel = Get-CSUser -Identity $user.SAMAccountName
$URI = $Tel.LineURI
#$TelNew = $URI.Replace("tel:+", "tel:")
$TelNew = $URI.Replace("+", "")
Get-CSUser -Identity $user.SAMAccountName
Set-CSUser -Identity $user.SAMAccountName -LineURI $TelNew
Grant-CSDialPlan -Identity $user.SAMAccountName -PolicyName "New_Dial_Plan"
Move-CsUser -Identity $user.SAMAccountName -Target new.pool.com -confirm:$false
Get-CSUser -Identity $user.SAMAccountName
The users.csv has to be in the format:
First line should have the word SAMAccountName and the subsequent lines the user ID's i.e:
SamAccountName UserID1 UserID2 UserID3...