Lwt 2.7.0 type error

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I wrote this piece of code with Lwt 2.7.0 :

open Lwt

let listen_address = Unix.inet_addr_loopback
let port = 9000
let backlog = 1

let () = Lwt_log.add_rule "*" Lwt_log.Info

let create_socket () =
  let open Lwt_unix in
  let sock = socket PF_INET SOCK_STREAM 0 in
  let sockaddr = ADDR_INET(listen_address, port) in
  let%lwt () = Lwt_unix.Versioned.bind_2 sock sockaddr in
  listen sock backlog;

And I got this error (on the last line, i.e. sock) :

Error: This expression has type Lwt_unix.file_descr
       but an expression was expected of type 'a Lwt.t

Well, yes, sock is of type Lwt_unix.file_descr, why would the compiler throw this program and force the type 'a Lwt.t ? (when I ask what type was found for create_socket it tells me it's of type unit -> '_a)

P.S. : Thanks to Daniil Baturin : http://baturin.org/code/lwt-counter-server/


There are 1 answers


The compiler has not forced the type of the result to unit, it forced the type of the argument to unit because the argument pattern you have is ().

let%lwt is Lwt.bind, so the continuation (after the in) must evaluate to a promise (_ Lwt.t). Since sock is Lwt_unix.file_descr and not a promise, you must wrap it: Lwt.return sock.

More context might be needed to answer your question about the warning, I'm leaving you a comment.