I'm currently using luarpc in my program to make interprocess communication. The problem now is that due to my tolua++ binding which stores class instances as userdata im unable to use any of those functions cause luarpc cant handle userdata. My question now is if would be possible (and how) to transmit userdata if you know that its always only a pointer (4 Bytes) and has a metatable attached for call and indexing operations.
Lua RPC and userdata
1k views Asked by ACB At
There are 2 answers

You can't.
It doesn't matter if the userdata is a pointer or an object. The reason you can't arbitrarily RPC through them is because the data is not stored in Lua. And therefore LuaRPC cannot transmit it properly.
A pointer into your address space is absolutely worthless for some other process; even moreso if it's running on another machine. You have to actually transmit the data itself to make the RPC work. LuaRPC can do this transmission, but only for data that it can understand. And the only data it understands is data stored in Lua.
Ok i got it working now. What i did is for userdata args/returns i send the actual ptr + metatable name(typename) to the client. the client then attaches a metatable with an __index method that creates a new helper with the typename and appends a helper with the field you want to access. when you then call or read a field from that userdata the client sends the data for calling a field of the typetable and the userdata to the server.
Write Variable:
userdata indexing:
well i more or less rewrote the complete rpc library to work with named pipes and windows but i think the code should give anyone enough information to implement it.
this allows code like:
on the clientside. it currently doesnt allow to add new fields but well this is all i need for now :D