I'm looking to iterate over some similarly named variables. a_1,a_2,a_3=1,2,3
So that instead of using:
if a_1>0 then a_1-=1 end
if a_2>0 then a_2-=1 end
if a_3>0 then a_3-=1 end
I can do something like:
for i=1,3 do
if a_'i'>1 then a_'i'-=1 end --syntax is wrong here
Not sure how to go about doing this, as stated there is no access to _G library in pico8. var-=1 is just var=var-1. Given there are functions like tostr() and tonum() was wondering if there was a tovar() kind of trick to this. Basically need a way to convert the i value to a letter in my variable name and concat it to the variable name...in the conditional statement. Or some alternative method if there is one.
In Lua, when in doubt, use a table.
In this case you could put the 3 variable on a table at the start, and unpack them at the end: