I need help!
this bug:
[ script:oxmysql] Error: teleport-custom was unable to execute a query! [ script:oxmysql] Query: INSERT INTO player_locations (player_id, x, y, z) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?) [ script:oxmysql] ["license:405702e0a3ae0630efaa0e0520c2ae1d40de74b6",null,1.4739839571120683e-8,0] [ script:oxmysql] Unknown column 'NaN' in 'field list'
and this is the code(server.lua):
-- Save player's location to the database
RegisterCommand('savelocation', function(source, args, rawCommand)
local x, y, z = table.unpack(GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(-1)))
local playerId = GetPlayerIdentifier(source, 0)
-- Check if x, y, or z are NaN (not a number) and replace them with 0
if not x or not tonumber(x) then
x = 0.0
if not y or not tonumber(y) then
y = 0.0
if not z or not tonumber(z) then
z = 0.0
local query = "INSERT INTO player_locations (player_id, x, y, z) VALUES (@player_id, @x, @y, @z)"
local params = {
['@player_id'] = playerId,
['@x'] = x,
['@y'] = y,
['@z'] = z
exports.oxmysql:execute(query, params, function(affectedRows)
if affectedRows > 0 then
TriggerClientEvent('chatMessage', source, '^2Location saved!')
TriggerClientEvent('chatMessage', source, '^1Error saving location!')
end, false)
\-- Teleport the player to a random saved location
RegisterCommand('teleporttolocation', function(source, args, rawCommand)
local playerId = GetPlayerIdentifier(source, 0)
local query = "SELECT * FROM player_locations WHERE player_id = @player_id ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 1"
local params = {
['@player_id'] = playerId
exports.oxmysql:fetch(query, params, function(result)
if result and type(result) == 'table' and result[1] then
local x, y, z = tonumber(result[1].x), tonumber(result[1].y), tonumber(result[1].z)
if x and y and z then
local playerPed = GetPlayerPed(-1)
SetEntityCoords(playerPed, x, y, z, true, true, true)
TriggerClientEvent('chatMessage', source, '^2Teleported to a saved location!')
TriggerClientEvent('chatMessage', source, '^1Invalid coordinates in the database!')
TriggerClientEvent('chatMessage', source, '^1No saved locations found or database error!')
end, false)
I tried to use multipole Ai software's(chatGPT, Barde...) but that didn't help what is the problem and how to fix it? I will appreciate your assistance
I couldnt fix it, I will appreciate your assistance
What you're trying to do is to save the location of the FiveM Server.
On the server side, you can get the player's location by passing the player's ID in the
function (Fivem Docs).When registering a command (as you did), you'll get the player's ID as the first parameter (0 is the server, and when the ID is > 0, it's a player).
Try this instead: