LSTM model approach for time series (future prediction)

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I am new to tensorflow/tflearn and deep learning so these may be basic questions but I would appreciate any input.

  • Question 1: I have been able to successfully run a LSTM model using tflearn on a set of 2 years of time series data/sequence. I can run the model via variations of "look_back" (e.g. 1 day, 7 days, 30 days) but it will output a single value at each iteration. Running the LSTM for a larger look back improves the RMSE of my test data set. Question I have is, if my goal is to to predict the "next 30 days" given a set of historical daily values, how do I modify the model? I presume I need to either modify my OUTPUT tensor to be a sequence or somehow feed the decoder output at each iteration to be the input to the next? Or do I modify the model to output a full sequence? I cannot find any clear example of how this may be done.
  • Question 2: After a model is trained, how exactly do you productionize the model. Suppose in my case I trained/tested a model using a year of data to predict the next 30 days. How exactly can I now implement this so that as i get daily values they get integrated with the model. Again, any example of this would be great.

I have tried to go through the tensorflow tutorials but I am not sure they address these points.



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