What I'm trying to accomplish
I'd like to use go-mode/lsp-mode together. I struggle to get lsp-mode to even execute at first, finally got it to work by appending the paths :facepalm:.
The issue The issue now is that when lsp-mode starts up for the working golang directory, I receive this error:
LSP :: Error from the Language Server: no views in the session (Unknown error) [3 times]
I've searched around the internet for answers, but have yet to find anything that is relevant to my problem. I'm reaching out to the community for some guidance.
(defun custom-go-mode ()
(display-line-numbers-mode 1))
(use-package go-mode
:defer t
:ensure t
:mode ("\\.go\\'" . go-mode)
(setq compile-command "echo Building... && go build -v && echo Testing... && go test -v && echo Linter... && golint")
(setq compilation-read-command nil)
(add-hook 'go-mode-hook 'custom-go-mode)
:bind (("M-," . compile)
("M-." . godef-jump)))
(setq compilation-window-height 14)
(defun my-compilation-hook ()
(when (not (get-buffer-window "*compilation*"))
(let* ((w (split-window-vertically))
(h (window-height w)))
(select-window w)
(switch-to-buffer "*compilation*")
(shrink-window (- h compilation-window-height)))))))
(add-hook 'compilation-mode-hook 'my-compilation-hook)
(global-set-key (kbd "C-c C-c") 'comment-or-uncomment-region)
(setq compilation-scroll-output t)
(setq exec-path (append exec-path '("/Users/seanh/.nvm/versions/node/v12.13.0/bin/npm")))
(setq exec-path (append exec-path '("/Users/seanh/.nvm/versions/node/v12.13.0/bin/")))
(setq exec-path (append exec-path '("/usr/local/bin")))
(setq exec-path (append exec-path '("/Users/seanh/go/bin")))
(setq exec-path (append exec-path '("/Users/seanh/go/bin/gopls")))
(setq exec-path (append exec-path '("/usr/local/go/bin/go")))
(use-package lsp-mode
:ensure t
:commands (lsp lsp-deferred)
:hook (go-mode . lsp-deferred))
;;Set up before-save hooks to format buffer and add/delete imports.
;;Make sure you don't have other gofmt/goimports hooks enabled.
(defun lsp-go-install-save-hooks ()
(add-hook 'before-save-hook #'lsp-format-buffer t t)
(add-hook 'before-save-hook #'lsp-organize-imports t t))
(add-hook 'go-mode-hook #'lsp-go-install-save-hooks)
;;Optional - provides fancier overlays.
(use-package lsp-ui
:ensure t
:commands lsp-ui-mode
;;Company mode is a standard completion package that works well with lsp-mode.
;;company-lsp integrates company mode completion with lsp-mode.
;;completion-at-point also works out of the box but doesn't support snippets.
(use-package company
:ensure t
(setq company-idle-delay 0)
(setq company-minimum-prefix-length 1))
(use-package company-lsp
:ensure t
:commands company-lsp)
;;Optional - provides snippet support.
(use-package yasnippet
:ensure t
:commands yas-minor-mode
:hook (go-mode . yas-minor-mode))
;;lsp-ui-doc-enable is false because I don't like the popover that shows up on the right
;;I'll change it if I want it back
(setq lsp-ui-doc-enable nil
lsp-ui-peek-enable t
lsp-ui-sideline-enable t
lsp-ui-imenu-enable t
lsp-ui-flycheck-enable t)
I've had this error pops out to me while making a language server protocol client (so not relevant to emacs but generally to language server protocol). Commonly, a client will start with an "initialize" as the first command:
and then after initialization if you try a command, e.g.:
you will be getting the "no views in session" error in response.
To solve this - after "initialize" command's response I sent "initialized" command. It basically has empty params but you need to send them anyway to satisfy certain versions see: https://github.com/golang/go/issues/57459:
This solved it for me at least.
Please note: the
command can take a while to finish and it depends on your project size (for me it was almost 3 minutes before I got a response).