@lru_cache on function with commutative arguments

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I am calculating the Hamming distance between 2 strings where Hamming(A,B) == Hamming(B,A)

The function signature is

def Hamming(A:str,B:str)->int:

How can I modify @lru_cache or the function to ignore argument order when indexing into the cache?


There are 2 answers

user2390182 On

You can insert an extra function call that predictably rearranges the arguments:

def Hamming(A: str, B: str) -> int:
    if B < A:
        A, B = B, A
    return _Hamming(A, B) 

def _Hamming(A, B):
Greedo On

Another option:

from cachetools import cached
from cachetools.keys import hashkey

@cached(cache={}, key=lambda A, B: hashkey((A, B) if A < B else (B, A)))
def Hamming(A: str, B: str) -> int:

Or in general:

@cached(cache={}, key=lambda *args: hashkey(tuple(sorted(args))))
def Hamming(A: str, B: str) -> int: