Could anyone give me a suggestion or an example of how I would loop through the samples of CAF (Core Audio Format) file? Like taking the first 1000 samples and changing them to 0?
Something like:
for(int i=0; i < numberOfSamples; i++)
cafFile.sample[i] = methodThatUsesSampleValue(cafFile.sample[i]);
Keep in mind:
- I don't need to do this live. No buffers, etc. needed.
- I would like to do this in C, C++ or Objective-C.
- Would like to be able to use the code on the iOS platform.
Any help appreciated!
Recently I stumbled over the amazing OpenFrameWorks library: And I know it compiles on MacOS and iPhone. Amongst many(!) other libs it come with an interface to rtAudio: You might want to consider also using that directly. Hope that helps.