Looping in onCreate method

885 views Asked by At

So I'm creating a program which will randomly spawn circles on the screen every 5 seconds. I had it working by just displaying 1 circle but when I tried to loop in the onCreate method to draw multiple circles, I got compiler errors and I have no idea what to do now, been stuck for 30 minutes. Here is my code and the main error. Any help will be appreciated.

public class RandomCircles extends ActionBarActivity {

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

        Timer timer = new Timer();
        timer.scheduleAtFixedRate(new TimerTask() {
            public void run() {
                setContentView(new MyView(R.layout.activity_random_circles);
        }, 0, 5 * 1000L);//5 seconds

    public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) {
        // Inflate the menu; this adds items to the action bar if it is present.
        getMenuInflater().inflate(R.menu.menu_random_circles, menu);
        return true;

    public boolean onOptionsItemSelected(MenuItem item) {
        // Handle action bar item clicks here. The action bar will
        // automatically handle clicks on the Home/Up button, so long
        // as you specify a parent activity in AndroidManifest.xml.
        int id = item.getItemId();

        //noinspection SimplifiableIfStatement
        if (id == R.id.action_settings) {
            return true;

        return super.onOptionsItemSelected(item);

class MyView extends View {
    public MyView(Context context) {
        // TODO Auto-generated constructor stub

    protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas)
        //800, 1162
        Random rand = new Random();

        double x = rand.nextInt(getWidth());

        if(getWidth() - x < 100)
            x -= 100;
        else if(getWidth() - x > getWidth() - 100)
            x += 100;

       double y = rand.nextInt(getHeight());

        if(getHeight() - y < 100)
            y -= 100;
        else if(getHeight() - x > getHeight() - 100)
            y += 100;

        int radius;
        radius = 100;
        Paint paint = new Paint();
        // Use Color.parseColor to define HTML colors
        canvas.drawCircle(x, y, radius, paint);

enter image description here


There are 3 answers

Mithun On

Your MyView constructor seeks a Context as parameter, but you are passing R.layout.activity_random_circles which is basically a auto-generated int value mapped to your layout xml file in res/layout. Try passing RandomCircles.this instead that refers to your Activity context

Bidhan On

The MyView constructor needs a Context parameter but you are passing it a layout id. Your MyView constructor should probably look like this

public class MyView extends View {

public MyView(Context context) {

    View view = inflate(context, R.layout.activity_random_circles, null);

And then inside your onCreate() method, do this

public void run() {
    setContentView(new MyView(this));
Phuc Tran On

new MyView(Context context)

MyView constructor needs a "context". You are passing a layout id (it's integer value). It should be

new MyView(this)