Lookback API remove unauthorized snapshots

189 views Asked by At

When I ran into issues with a query to the lbapi, I took a step back a created a very basic app with just the query in it that logged the results.

It looked something like this:

    function() {
        var dd = Ext.create('Deft.Deferred');
        Ext.create('Rally.data.lookback.SnapshotStore', {
            fetch    : ['Parent', 'Feature'],
            filters  : [{
                property : '__At',
                value    : 'current'
                property : '_TypeHierarchy',
                value    : 'HierarchicalRequirement'
            params : {
                compress : true,
                removeUnauthorizedSnapshots : true
            callback : function(store) {
        return dd.promise;
    success: function(records) {
        console.log('records', records);

Strangely, if I added a filter like this:

      property : 'Parent',
      operator : '!=',
      value    : null

I got more results. I concluded that the removeUnauthorizedSnapshots must filter the results after they have all been gathered into a page of 20000 results, and thus this would be possible. Can anyone confirm this? Hopefully such confusion can be avoided in the future


There are 1 answers


You are correct.

removeUnauthorizedSnapshots filters the current pagesize set of results, which means it might actually return a page with 0 results in an extreme case when all results are or were once associated with projects that the user is not allowed to access.

I am not sure about the outcome when you got more results. Additional filter should only limit the number of results further, and I see further reduction when I use a similar code.

But I would like to suggest a syntax change for the filter on Parent property. Nulls are not storied in Lookback API at all, so any != null or == null queries are a little misleading. In your code it works, but in the case of Parent == null, it will return snapshots that don't have a Parent attribute, not just those that have a Parent attribute that is null. You may use exists true instead of != null

filters  : [
           property : 'Parent',
           operator : 'exists',
           value : true

           property : '__At',
           value    : 'current'
           property : '_TypeHierarchy',
           value    : 'HierarchicalRequirement'