Logs are not sent to elasticsearch using fluentd. The log is written in one line

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The Java module writes a single-line log:

{"timestamp":"2020-09-29 10:46:18.761","level":"INFO","message":"status: OK","logger":"thrift.handler.CheckTokenThriftHandler","system":"-","service":"AUTH BE","conf_item":"-"}{"timestamp":"2020-09-29 10:49:11.338","level":"INFO","message":"status: OK","logger":"thrift.handler.CheckTokenThriftHandler","system":"-","service":"AUTH BE","conf_item":"-"}...

Each new event is pasted to the end of the line. In the fluentd settings I use the standard parser:

    Name         java-system
    Format       json
    Time_Key     time
    Time_Format  %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%L
    Time_Keep    On

If I split the events in the log into lines, the agent sends everything to elastic without any problems. If everything is in one line, it doesn't send anything. It doesn't write anything informative in the log.

Sep 29 15:11:41  td-agent-bit: [2020/09/29 15:11:41] [trace] [router] input=tail.0 tag=gw_system
Sep 29 15:11:41  td-agent-bit: [2020/09/29 15:11:41] [debug] [router] match rule tail.0:es.0
Sep 29 15:11:41  td-agent-bit: [2020/09/29 15:11:41] [trace] [router] input=tail.1 tag=calc-system
Sep 29 15:11:41  td-agent-bit: [2020/09/29 15:11:41] [debug] [router] match rule tail.1:es.3
Sep 29 15:11:41  td-agent-bit: [2020/09/29 15:11:41] [trace] [router] input=tail.2 tag=push-system
Sep 29 15:11:41  td-agent-bit: [2020/09/29 15:11:41] [debug] [router] match rule tail.2:es.2
Sep 29 15:11:41  td-agent-bit: [2020/09/29 15:11:41] [trace] [router] input=tail.3 tag=gw_integration
Sep 29 15:11:41  td-agent-bit: [2020/09/29 15:11:41] [debug] [router] match rule tail.3:es.1
Sep 29 15:11:41  td-agent-bit: [2020/09/29 15:11:41] [ info] [sp] stream processor started
Sep 29 15:11:41  td-agent-bit: [2020/09/29 15:11:41] [debug] [input:tail:tail.0] file=/opt/java_services/gateway/log/system.log read=35484 lines=0
Sep 29 15:11:41  td-agent-bit: [2020/09/29 15:11:41] [debug] [input:tail:tail.1] file=/opt/java_services/calculator/log/system.log read=336548 lines=0
Sep 29 15:11:41  td-agent-bit: [2020/09/29 15:11:41] [debug] [input:tail:tail.2] file=/opt/java_services/push/log/system_temp.log read=12302 lines=0
Sep 29 15:11:41  td-agent-bit: [2020/09/29 15:11:41] [debug] [input:tail:tail.3] file=/opt/java_services/gateway/log/integration.log promote to TAIL_EVENT
Sep 29 15:11:41  td-agent-bit: [2020/09/29 15:11:41] [debug] [input:tail:tail.0] file=/opt/java_services/gateway/log/system.log promote to TAIL_EVENT
Sep 29 15:11:41  td-agent-bit: [2020/09/29 15:11:41] [debug] [input:tail:tail.1] file=/opt/java_services/calculator/log/system.log promote to TAIL_EVENT
Sep 29 15:11:41  td-agent-bit: [2020/09/29 15:11:41] [debug] [input:tail:tail.2] file=/opt/java_services/push/log/system_temp.log promote to TAIL_EVENT

Wrote a separate parser

    Name    java_push_system
    Format  regex
    Regex   (?<date>(?<={"timestamp":")(\d+\-\d+\-\d+\s+\d+:\d+:\d+.\d+))",(?<message>[^}]*)
    Time_Key    time
    Time_Format %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%L
    Time_Keep    On

On the site regex101.com my string is parsed, but the agent still does not send anything until it is split into separate lines.

/etc/td-agent-bit/conf]# cat push-system*
    Name   record_modifier
    Match  push-system
    Record hostname ${HOSTNAME}
    Record environment DEV
    Record path /opt/java_services/push/log/system.log
    Name   tail
    Tag    push-system
    Parser java-system
    Path   /opt/java_services/push/log/system.log
    DB     /etc/td-agent-bit/system-push.db
    Buffer_Max_Size 32MB
    Buffer_Chunk_Size 8MB
    Name        es
    Match       push-system
    Host        10.*
    Port        9200
    HTTP_User   *
    HTTP_Passwd *
    Index       push

Help to understand please!


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