I hope someone can help me. I did an implementation of logistic regression from scratch (so without library, except numpy in Python).
I used MNIST dataset as input, and decided to try (since I am doing binary classification) a test on only two digits: 1 and 2. My code can be found here
The notebook should run on any system that have the necessary library installed.
Somehow my cost function is not converging. I am getting error since my A (my sigmoid) is getting equal to 1, since z is getting very big.
I tried everything but I don't see my error. Can anyone give a look and let me know if I missed something obvious? The point here is not getting a high accuracy. Is getting the model to converge to something ;)
Thanks in advance, Umberto
I read your codes. All looks fine. Only thing is that your learning rate is high. I know
is a small number but in this case its too high for the algorithm to converge. That is evident by the increase in cost. The cost decreases for a while and then starts going negative very quickly. The idea is to have cost close to zero. Here negative numbers do not imply smaller cost. You have to see the magnitude. I used0.000008
as the learning rate and it works fine.