logging.info('...', stack_info=True) for Python2

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Python3 has the argument stack_info for logging.info():


How to get this in Python2?


There are 1 answers

Kavin Eswaramoorthy On

The following module wrap the logging module with support to stack_info keyword argument. you can import this module and call the getLogger method similar to how you work with logging module.

import logging
import logging.handlers
from functools import partial
logger = logging.getLogger()

old_critical = logger.critical
old_error = logger.error
old_warning = logger.warning
old_info = logger.info
old_debug = logger.debug
import traceback

def custom_log(old_log, message, *args, **kwargs):
    if kwargs.get("stack_info"):
        message = message + reduce(lambda x,y: x+y, traceback.format_stack(), "")
    if kwargs.get("stack_info") is not None:
        del kwargs["stack_info"]
    old_log(message, *args, **kwargs)

logger.critical = partial(custom_log, old_critical)
logger.error = partial(custom_log, old_error)
logger.warning = partial(custom_log, old_warning)
logger.info = partial(custom_log, old_info)
logger.debug = partial(custom_log, old_debug)

def new_getLogger(logger_name="root"):
    return logger

from logging import *
getLogger = new_getLogger

PS - One downside to this approach is it will make one extra function call and that also will be visible in stack trace