Logging File is not get generated on path src/main/resources | Using Spring boot 3.1.2 | Ubuntu

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  1. I am trying to integrate the logger with File appender but why the file is not get generated automatically while run the spring boot application.

Below are my log4j2.xml configuration file

        <!-- custome formate to see the log message -->
        <Pattern>%d - %c [%M] - (%p) %m %n </Pattern>
    <File name="LogToFile" fileName="logs/myapp.log">
        <!-- custome formate to see the log message -->
        <Pattern>%d - %c [%M] - (%p) %m %n </Pattern>

    <Root level="info">
        <AppenderRef ref="examPortalConsole"/>
        <AppenderRef ref="LogToFile"/>

POM.XML file dependency

     <!-- log4j neccessary dependency-->

I have successfully got the console appender log but failed to integrate the File appender because on path src/main/resources not get generated automatically file .


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