i want to Create a Custom bibliography styles in MSWORD 2013 ,I use this style . I use the IEEE_Reference.XSL and I've applied the changes desired . and it's ok.
But my article has multiple language references .I want Localization my bibliography styles as Microsoft word default bibliography styles do.
I know it that i should use LCID for this,
some part of my code is like this:
<source type="Book">
<column id="1">
<column id="2">
<format >{%Author:1|Editor:2%, }{<i>%Title%</i>{, %Edition:o% ed.}}{, %Editor:2%}.{ %City|StateProvince|CountryRegion%}{, %StateProvince|CountryRegion%}{, %CountryRegion%}{: %Publisher%}{,{ %Month:s%} %Year%}{, vol. %Volume%}{, %Comments%}.{ [Online]. %URL:l%}</format>
My goal is code like this:
<xsl:when test="b:LCID='1033'">
but it does not work and always choose xsl:otherwise .
anybody can help me to do this Condition? thanks,
I don't have the IEEE_Reference.xsl - in my Office 15 Lcid is used via