Localhost is not displaying incoming https

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I am using MAMP as my local host and PHP 7.3.8 as my localhost.

On my site I am trying to connect to google maps as follows:

$url = "https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/distancematrix/json?origins=$postcode1&destinations=$postcode2&mode=driving&language=en-EN&sensor=false&key=MY-API-KEY"
$data = @file_get_content($url)

However for some reason the connection is not established when I try this on a live site (using GoDaddy as a server) all is well and I get the wanted result.

I have tried to switch on allow_url_fopenin the php.ini and have checked the firewall on my localhost and made sure the ports are open, however no joy.

Anyhelp to solve this problem welcome


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