I'm creating an .swf movie that will store a Local Shared Object on the visitors' machines of a community.
Basically, the .swf movie is part of an add-on for forum communities. By that I mean that I don't know beforehand the full path of the .swf movie.
I.e. one may have his community in:
www.domain1.com/forum OR www.domain2.com/forums OR www.domain3.com/community
etc... In any case, the .swf movie will be in www.domainX.com/{some unknown folder}/{known1}/{known2}/movie.swf
I hope you understand everything so far.
My problem is what argument to use as the localPath of the getLocal method to store the LSO.
What I do so far is this: SharedObject.getLocal("guid", "/");
which creates a guid.sol file in #SharedObjects\X9X9X9X9\www.domain1.com
If I do it like this: SharedObject.getLocal("guid"); (which is, totally omitting the localPath arguement, thus it'll use the full path), it will create a guid.sol file in #SharedObjects\X9X9X9X9\www.domain1.com\community\public\cache
So, without knowing the folder name the community will reside in, how can I store the LSO two folders before the full path?
As in: #SharedObjects\X9X9X9X9\www.domain1.com\community OR #SharedObjects\X9X9X9X9\www.domain1.com\forum OR #SharedObjects\X9X9X9X9\www.domain1.com\whatever
Alright, I found this...