I'm running mach-ii v1.8 on my local machine with CF10 installed on Win7. I copied a site down from production (which works) and is throwing an error of which I am unable to search for much help on.
Expected structure key - received .; StructGet cannot be executed.
The error occurred in /web/frameworks/mach_1_8/caching/strategies/TimeSpanCache.cfc: line 413
Called from /web/frameworks/mach_1_8/caching/strategies/TimeSpanCache.cfc: line 233
411: <cffunction name="getStorage" access="private" returntype="struct" output="false"
412 : hint="Gets a reference to the cache data storage.">
413 : <cfreturn StructGet(getScope() & "." & getScopeKey()) />
414 : </cffunction>
The best source I found was this thread, but my MACHII_APP_KEY has no punctuation in it. Ideas?
<cfparam name="MACHII_APP_KEY" type="string" default="expoadmin" />