I'm trying to simulate a bootloader and an application in Renode. Both are built in separate .elf files, see https://docs.zephyrproject.org/latest/develop/west/sign.html . Can somebody help me writting the correct .resc script? I also swapped the loadELF commands, mentioned in https://github.com/renode/renode/issues/411
My current .resc file only loads the bootloader elf (adding "sysbus LoadELF $ORIGIN/signed_zephyr.elf" doesn´t work):
logFile $ORIGIN/nucleo_f429zi-hello_world-renode.log False
using sysbus
mach create $name
machine LoadPlatformDescription $ORIGIN/nucleo_f429zi-hello_world.repl
showAnalyzer usart3
usart3 RecordToAsciinema $ORIGIN/nucleo_f429zi-hello_world-asciinema
macro reset
sysbus LoadELF $ORIGIN/mcuboot_zephyr.elf
cpu0 VectorTableOffset `sysbus GetSymbolAddress "_vector_table"`
cpu0 EnableProfilerCollapsedStack $ORIGIN/nucleo_f429zi-hello_world-profile true
sysbus LoadELF $ORIGIN/signed_zephyr.elf
runMacro $reset
Output: Renode Terminal + usart3
I found a similar macro in the demo files but I don´t know how to use it for my case:
macro reset
# Set the WAIT_FOR_JTAG GPIO pin. The bootloader stalls if it's set to low.
gpio OnGPIO 15 true
# Load the bootloader. The address has to be specified as the binary files do not contain
# any addressing information.
sysbus LoadELF $boot 0xffffe000
# The ELF files already contain information on where to load each part. They also provide symbols, which
# can be used for execution tracing.
sysbus LoadELF $bin
# By default, the initial PC is set to the ELF entry point. Since the bootloader has to be started before the target application,
# the PC needs to be set manually to the correct value.
sysbus.cpu PC 0xfffffff0
runMacro $reset