Loading .owl files in marklogic

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Is it possible to load .owl files using mlcp? I tried with -input_file_type rdf but it gives error as below:

bin/mlcp.sh import -host localhost -port 9010 -username uname -password pwd -mode local -input_file_path /home/user/semantics/data -input_file_type rdf -input_file_pattern '.*.owl'

FATAL contentpump.RDFReader: dbpedia1.owl: Element or attribute do not match QName production: QName::=(NCName':')?NCName. FATAL contentpump.RDFReader: dbpedia2.owl: Element or attribute do not match QName production: QName::=(NCName':')?NCName.

What am I missing here ?


There are 2 answers

Dave Cassel On

MarkLogic documentation lists the supported triples file formats:

  • .rdf
  • .ttl
  • .json
  • .n3
  • .nt
  • .nq
  • .trig

Maybe you convert your .owl file to one of those formats, at which point you could use MLCP to load it. I tried plugging your example into a format converter, but that didn't work. Perhaps it's because we only have a snippet here.

grtjn On

MarkLogic should be able to process .owl files, but I think Joshua is right that MarkLogic is expecting .owl files to contain RDF/XML. You can also see that from the list of Mimetypes in the Admin interface. It lists the .owl extension as 'application/owl+xml', and RDF/XML seems to be the more common serialization of OWL.

Might just be that if you rename the file to .nt that it works..