Loading ngMock only in testing context when using Protractor

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I'm switching all of our protractor E2E tests of an angular app to ngMock, so that we can mock our resources/http calls. However, I can't find a recommended method for loading ngMock in that scenario.

I don't want to include the script itself in my live app of course, but I'm not seeing a clear method through protractor for injecting an extra script element, or dynamically loading it.


There are 1 answers

Matias Fernandez Martinez On

You can do is to use grunt-targethtml or gupl-targethtml so in your index.html you can add conditions of when to add an script or not:

    <!--(if target  mock || e2e)><!-->
    <script src="dev-mocks/mock-utils.js"></script>
    <script src="dev-mocks/modules/authentication-service-mock.js"></script>

First configure your grunt task to execute the targethtml task with the target e2e/mock

    'Automated tests',
    function(target) {
      var tasks = [
        return grunt.task.run(tasks);

Here is a working template with all the tasks, packages and logic necessary to implement Protractor + CucumberJS + sugar-step (for easy sync-async steps executions), and also inject mock modules dinamically using the @Around method of CucumberJS