I have written a templacised operator+=
function and given it a unique namespace (I only want to use it sometimes, and this allows me to exlpicitly).
I would like to then use that function inside another template function that uses operator+=
on its operands, but I don't want to leave it hanging around in the symbol table waiting to pounce on every single +=
call I do anywhere in my program. I also have to do this inside a header that is widely included.
A basic example of this is:
#include "boost\range.hpp"
#include "boost\range\algorithm.hpp"
#include <vector>
using std::vector;
namespace range_ops
template <class ForwardRange1, class SinglePassRange2>
inline ForwardRange1& operator+=(ForwardRange1& left, const SinglePassRange2& right)
auto left_it = boost::begin(left);
auto right_it = boost::begin(right);
for (; left_it != boost::end(left); ++left_it, ++right_it)
*left_it += *right_it;
return left;
template <class SinglePassRange, class Value>
inline Value accumulate_increment(SinglePassRange& rng, Value val)
typedef typename boost::range_value<SinglePassRange>::type range_val;
boost::for_each(rng, [&](const range_val& x) { val += x; });
return val;
template <class SinglePassRange>
inline typename boost::range_value<SinglePassRange>::type accumulate_increment(SinglePassRange& rng)
return accumulate_increment(rng, typename boost::range_value<SinglePassRange>::type());
//using range_ops::operator+=; // this works, but pollutes the global namespace with a templacised operator+= function - yuck!
int main()
auto i = accumulate_increment(vector<int>(1)); // works fine
using range_ops::operator+=; // want this here, but accumulate_increment can't see the operator+= function
auto j = accumulate_increment(vector<vector<int>>(1));
Is there any way to achieve this result?
There is only 1 increment function so how did you expect you using clause in the caller to affect the increment function itself - how is it supposed to find operatior+?