I have a panel within which I have two more panels. When you click on panel1 then information in panel2 is loaded. Since the information is quite huge there is some delay when its being loaded. During this interim period I wish to add a loading mask which intimates the user that its getting loaded.
For the same I have done this:
var myMask = new Ext.LoadMask(Ext.getCmp('eventsPanel'), {
msg:"Please wait..."
// eventsPanel is the main panel under which panel1 and panel2 lie.
// This code is in the selectionchange listener of panel1 whose code
// is inside the main eventsPanel code.
However, nothing is being displayed on the screen. Its still the same, i.e., for some amount of time the screen freezes and then after a delay of like 2-3 seconds the information is loaded. Can you please advise as to where am I going wrong?
I would suggest you to first show your masking like the way you are doing:
Then make a delayed task
This should solve your problem.