LOAD CSV from url

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I am using the LOAD CSV statement to access a csv file from a public url. It works fine whenever I am not behind the proxy of my company. As soon as the proxy is active, the file can no longer be accessed with the statement.

The error message is Couldn't load the external resource at: <MY_PUBLIC_URL>.

I've set the usual environment variables (HTTP_PROXY, HTTPS_PROXY) and I can access the file e.g. with bash or from python urllib, using node.js or from the browser address bar.

I also added dbms.security.allow_csv_import_from_file_urls=true to the Neo4j conf file, as well as dbms.jvm.additional=-Dhttps.proxyHost=<MY_PROXY> and dbms.jvm.additional=-Dhttps.proxyPort=<MY_PROXY> as suggested in other threads.

I've tried it from a plain Neo4j installation, as well as from the Neo4j Docker container, in both scenarios I get the same error when behind the proxy.

Can LOAD CSV get behind the proxy and if so, how?


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