I need to reduce the resolution of the images that I add and show in a QListWidgtet. Now I use the next code but it does not show all the images because they are being loaded with full resolution
void ImagesWizard::on_pbAddImages_clicked()
QFileDialog dialog(this);
dialog.setNameFilter(trUtf8("Images (*.jpg *.png *.tif *.tiff *.bmp);; JPG (*.jpg);; PNG (*.png);; TIF (*.tif *.tiff);; BMP (*.bmp);;"));
QStringList filesToLoad;
if (dialog.exec())
filesToLoad = dialog.selectedFiles();
if (filesToLoad.count()!=0) {
QListWidget *localPathList= new QListWidget();
localPathList->setViewMode(QListWidget::IconMode );
for (int var = 0; var < filesToLoad.count(); ++var) {
if (!mImagesList->contains(filesToLoad[var])) {
QFileInfo fileInfo(filesToLoad[var]);
QString filename(fileInfo.fileName());
QListWidgetItem *listItem = new QListWidgetItem(QIcon(filesToLoad[var]),filename);
Is there any way to resize the resolution in of the QIcon to optimice the time consumed to load the images and to show all the images added? Now if I load a lot of images the last QListWidgetItems only add the name.
Thanks for your help
Use QImage first to scale the image and construct the icon from the resulting pixmap.
It is very common to store the presized image too on the disk, to avoid the two step conversion process.